Rainbow Cupcakes

Rainbow Cupcakes

I've seen rainbow cakes online in several places, and it's really simple to do! We did it a while ago, but I'm finally catching up on some blogging now, so looking at these pictures again has me really wishing we still had more of these ;)

Here's how you do it:

1. Get some gel food colouring
2. Get some white cake mix
3. make the cake mix like the box instructs
4. separate the batter into smaller bowls (one for each colour)
5. mix the food colouring in (Talia loved this part)
6. pour the batter into the pan, layering the colours
7. bake & voila!

I've seen this done with cheesecake, too- I would love to get my hands on some of that! (I'm not quite ready to bake more cheesecake... it was kind of a lot of work! ;) But doing the white cake from a box method is really easy & definitely pleases my kids :) If you want you can add some rainbow frosting or something like that- we did white with rainbow sprinkles :)

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1 comment:

  1. We love these at our house too!

    Thanks for linking it to my Messy Monday party!! Can't wait to see what you link up next week.


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~Heather Lynne

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